On 11:19 PM
I'm finally back now, and ready to update once again.

All my university applications and music practice auditions are done, which means more time here (:

This website, http://www.tobi.com/ caught my eye. Their clothes honestly on the high side for me if they are not on sale, but hey a little oogling wouldn't do any harm, and if the items are within your price range then FANTASTIC.

Here are a few pieces that had the WOW factor for me & autumn is approaching here in Australia, so i'm really into jackets and coats now.

Courtesy Of www.tobi.com
Designers: Opening Ceremony & Mike and Chris

Courtesy Of www.tobi.com
Designers: Lundgren and Windinge & Graham and Spencer

Courtesy Of www.tobi.com
Designer: Joelle


3 Responses to 'I'm BACK.'

  1. Hildur said...
    https://fashion-unplug.blogspot.com/2008/03/im-back.html?showComment=1204740660000#c3760820402092762822'> March 6, 2008 at 3:11 AM

    Great designs. I'm loving the first outfit!


  2. Ella Gregory said...
    https://fashion-unplug.blogspot.com/2008/03/im-back.html?showComment=1204813200000#c2227113148012456937'> March 6, 2008 at 11:20 PM

    I love the jacket in the third pic
    so so so cute


  3. A.N said...
    https://fashion-unplug.blogspot.com/2008/03/im-back.html?showComment=1204890600000#c3932591933471662849'> March 7, 2008 at 8:50 PM

    The bow cardi is pretty cute!
    Coco, I think the 3rd jacket looks awesome, really high runway fashion.


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